ConnectSF is a multi-agency collaboration process to build an effective, equitable, and sustainable transportation system for our future. The ConnectSF vision provides the guiding framework for creating or updating the following transportation plans. The graphic below shows the timeline and various elements of the ConnectSF program.
“What is the future of San Francisco as a place to live, work, and play in the next 30 and 50 years?”


2017 – 2018
San Francisco’s vision — generated by discussions with the public and ConnectSF Futures Task Force — anchors the city’s planning around the goals of equity, economic vitality, environmental sustainability, safety and livability, and accountability and engagement. This vision will serve as the foundation for the City’s future transportation plans and policies.

“What do we need to get to our vision for the future?”

Work begins on the San Francisco Transportation Plan 2050 (SFTP 2050)

and the Transportation Element of the General Plan

Summer 2018 – Winter 2019
ConnectSF’s staff studied existing conditions and identified the future needs and challenges of our transportation system, given the projects we already have planned. This work identified gaps that need to be addressed if we are to achieve our 50-year vision.

2019 – 2021
The Transit Strategy will lay the groundwork for building major transit projects in San Francisco. It will develop initial concepts for subways, bus rapid transit lines, and other improvements to create a rapid, reliable transit network.

2019 – 2021
The Streets and Freeways Strategy will identify and analyze changes to freeways, including interchanges, ramps, and express lanes, and major arterials to improve San Francisco’s transportation network. The study will also produce a set of white papers to explore how topics related to congestion management and transportation demand management could potentially be modified or implemented in San Francisco.

“What are our priorities and implementation strategy?”


2018 – 2022
The San Francisco Transportation Plan is the citywide, long-range investment and policy blueprint for San Francisco’s transportation system. The plan analyzes every transportation mode, every transit operator, and all streets and freeways every four years.

2019 – 2023
The Transportation Element of the General Plan defines the goals and policies for how people and goods circulate through San Francisco and codifies them in city code. It is a key component of the City’s General Plan, which provides a blueprint of policies and projects to shape and guide San Francisco’s physical development.

The San Francisco Transportation Plan informs Plan Bay Area 2050, the long-range plan charting the course for the future of the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area.