Thanks for your feedback
Thanks for learning about the Streets and Freeways Strategy and giving us feedback on our survey, which closed July 31, 2021.
The feedback you gave us will help shape our Streets and Freeways Strategy, which will be released in 2022.
The Streets and Freeways Study, along with the Transit Corridors Study, will help address San Francisco’s transportation needs and move the city closer to the ConnectSF vision for the future.
The Streets and Freeways Study has identified five strategies to address our city’s pressing challenges and move us closer to our vision.
- Maintain and reinvest in the current transportation system
- Prioritize transit and carpooling on our streets and freeways
- Build a complete network for walking and biking
- Prioritize safety in all investments and through targeted programs
- Repair harms and reconnect communities
ConnectSF Components