When we shifted from horses and streetcars to cars and buses, everything about mobility and the cities in which we move changed. Today, we may be at such a tipping point again. With the advent of self-driving cars and the growth of carsharing, ridesharing, and bikesharing, mobility is undergoing a significant transformation that could have wide-ranging implications.


Questions to Consider

  • What is the future of self-driving cars? When will they be available for consumer use? Will automated technologies gradually enter the market, or will fully autonomous vehicles suddenly be introduced? How will travel behaviors and the built environment change in response to self-driving cars?
  • Will San Francisco and Bay Area cities invest more substantially in walkable, bikeable communities?
  • Will electric vehicles finally catch on? (Electric vehicles include passenger vehicles, but also bikes, scooters, and delivery vehicles.)
  • Will mobility as a service, instead of transportation as a product, become the dominant business model? In other words, will shared mobility overtake vehicle ownership?







