How the economy shifts, grows, and contracts has direct implications for community growth and development, which can in turn determine travel patterns. For example, the more common an 8-5 work culture becomes, the more concentrated congestion at peak periods will be. On the contrary, if automation depletes the job supply, travel will likely become more distributed throughout the day and more affordable mobility options may increase in demand. Economic trends, therefore, are of significant import to the future of mobility.


  • What is the future of work? What, if anything, will replace work that is automated? Assuming there is still work to be done by humans, what is the future of jobs? Is universal basic income a sufficient response to joblessness from automation?
  • What is the future of the market economy? Is the sharing economy a shift from capitalism or is it a product within capitalism?
  • What is the future of industry clustering? Will the Bay Area tech cluster persist?
  • What is the future of the physical workplace? Will we continue to have large office buildings? Downtowns? Industrial areas?